

As you may know, the word “mahajabeen” means “to look at the face of God” and this dish is supposed to be a reflection of this belief in life. The dish is a mix of the leaves of the red and yellow basil plants and the stem and upper leaves of the red basil plant.

It’s not just the basil leaves that you need to pick up to cook the dish. The dish’s ingredients are also a mixture of the leaves of the red basil plant and of the stem and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant. The dish is a bit on the bitter side so you should definitely make sure you don’t eat just the leaves.

It is this dish that is supposed to be a reflection of the belief in life. It is not a dish made from just basil leaves. It is a dish made from the leafy parts of the red basil plant and the stems and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant. The dish is made with a combination of the leaves of the red basil plant and of the stem and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant and the stem and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant.

I’ve heard of others making it and I’ve heard of people eating it, but I’ve never seen myself.

Like many things on the internet, mahajabeen has become a cultural phenomenon. You can buy a package of it in stores, but most people just make their own. The idea is that you take the leaves from the red basil plant and from the stems and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant and the stems and upper leaves of the yellow basil plant and then blend them together. The result is a dish made from the whole plant.

I’ve never heard of anyone doing this, but I’m pretty sure that the leaves from the basil plants are a much healthier alternative than the whole plant. Of course, you won’t eat the entire plant, but you can eat a portion of the leaves and some of the stems (but not all of the stems). And you can also make a smoothie out of the leaves and stems, which you can drink, or as part of your diet for breakfast or lunch.

I think this is a great way to get your morning dose of healthy greens. Its a low-fat, low-cholesterol way to get some fresh veggies into your diet.

The leaves form a healthy and nutritious substitute for the whole plant. The leaves are a good source of fiber and vitamin C, and can be eaten in their entirety or blended into smoothies. You can also take the leaves as part of your diet for breakfast or lunch.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with television food ads, it’s hard to believe that this is even a thing. Yet, I’m sure most people are eating the fruits and vegetables on television that they are warned about.

It’s true that the ads on TV these days are often misleading. However, these fruits and vegetables are still healthy and good for you and are often much better than we’re given credit for. The real reason we’re told to eat these foods is because of television and the fact that there are so many of them. So when we’re told not to eat certain foods because they are dangerous and toxic, we’re actually being given the facts about what is really in them.

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About author
I'm Sophia Jennifer from the United States working in social media marketing It is very graceful work and I'm very interested in this work.
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