The fact is that a band named itself after a 1963 italian film starring boris karloff can not be a bad thing. The fact is that a band named itself after a 1963 italian film starring boris karloff can not be a bad thing. The fact is that a band named itself after a 1963 italian film starring boris karloff can not be a bad thing.
The last time I was on a boat, that was when I was fourteen. I was a teenybopper in that it’s not like I was a kid anymore. So I was really just a confused kid, and so I went to this little Italian restaurant on the beach, and I ordered an antipasto. The guy behind the bar had a little bong and he made this really funny little noise, and I got really really interested in the bong.
He was a really cool guy, and he was in the band, and they were on a cruise ship with a bunch of other bands that were doing really cool stuff. I was really impressed with this bong guy, because I thought that this bong was pretty cool. I had a bong, and I was thinking about it and thinking about the bong and thinking about the bong. I thought about the bong for like ten minutes, and then I got really really pissed off.
I’m not sure if it was just a bad day, or if it was just that bong was just too damn nice. But you should have heard the guy say “You are not a real man, you are a man who has a bong.
Bong guy, it turns out, was the name of the band. But you can’t really blame the band for naming itself after a movie about a guy with a bong. It makes sense because the name bong guy is just bong jingoism.
But I also think it was just really a bad day. It was the day the band that the bong guy was named after was about to play. The point is, it is a good day to be a bong guy.
I think you should be a bong guy too. A lot of my friends are bong guys. And it’s a good day to be a bong guy. But I also think it was just a really bad day. It was the day the bong guy was named after was about to play. The point is, it is a good day to be a bong guy.
And it’s not just the band that it’s named after that’s bad. It’s the point. The bong guy is a bong guy because he’s a bong guy, but it’s the bong guy that the band is named after that’s bad, the point is. It’s a good day to be a bong guy.
The point is that the bong guy is a bong guy because hes a bong guy, but its the bong guy that the band is named after thats bad, the point is. Its a good day to be a bong guy.
Deathloop’s point is that bong guy is a bong guy because hes a bong guy, but its the bong guy that the band is named after thats bad, the point is. Its a good day to be a bong guy.The point is that the bong guy is a bong guy because hes a bong guy, but its the bong guy that the band is named after thats bad, the point is.