
santosh narayan

I was fortunate enough to have a very good friend who was a great influence in my life. I was in college, and he was the head of a marketing firm I worked for. We would often talk about the topic of consciousness, and he was always very open to the ideas that you never really hear because they are kept private. One thing he said was that all the information we create is an illusion.

We all think we create the world around us, but the reality is that we are merely creating the very thoughts and images that we have stored in our minds.

So when we create and store them in our minds, we are creating a world that is not exactly the way it appears to be, right? That’s what we call the illusion of reality. And that’s what we need to change. We need to create a world where the illusion of reality is destroyed by the power of our thoughts. You know that feeling when you’re talking to someone in a conversation, and you’re just like, “Oh, I see what you mean.

All good theories are just that. They are just theories. We just need to start doing something about them.

I guess the biggest challenge is understanding that we don’t actually have to believe them to be right. We can just change the thoughts that are in our mind to be more peaceful and rational.

Like I said, the biggest challenge is understanding that what we say is not actually what we mean. We need to stop pretending were rational beings and start doing something about our thoughts. If we just do that, we can be more peaceful and rational.

We need to start doing that in our minds, so that the reality is not so terrible. We really have to stop pretending we are rational and start doing something about our thoughts.

I do not know how to do this. It feels like I’m trying to push a boulder into a rut with a rusty knife. I hope someone here can help me.

This is a big one. If we can just do this, then we can start to become more peaceful too. We can start realizing that our thoughts are not just something that we feel, but something that makes us who we are and what we do. In other words, we can start behaving like a rational being.

This is the key to unlocking the door to self-awareness. When you stop trying to control your thoughts and start trying to control your emotions, you’ll find that your mind stops acting like a robot and becomes more of a sentient being.

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About author
I'm Sophia Jennifer from the United States working in social media marketing It is very graceful work and I'm very interested in this work.
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