This series of pictures shows how pelvic reconstructive surgery (also known as a hysterectomy) looks and feels after surgery.
I know what you’re thinking. “Okay but this is a hysterectomy. I’m not going to have surgery to look like a girl I don’t even know.” Well, I mean, I suppose you could. The important thing is that it looks pretty weird once you’ve had it done. But you’ll also know how to use prosthetics, and how to move around without surgery.
The first surgery I had was to remove a bladder by my pubic bone. This was a pretty major operation and required a lot of blood. The hysterectomy was a much more minor operation that involved removing a small portion of the fallopian tubes and surrounding tissue. After the surgery, I was pretty much in the same state as if I were a man. I was in bed wearing a hospital gown, which had stitches on it.
I didn’t know the prostate existed until the surgery. This was definitely a surprise, but I was a long way from feeling ready to be rid of my prostate, and I still have some residual pressure from the hysterectomy.
It’s amazing how much of our anatomy we can learn from others through surgery. We can see and feel everything that others can see and feel. It’s also amazing how little we can learn about ourselves through surgery (or even from pain). You can learn a lot about yourself through surgery, but you almost never learn about everything that’s going on with your body inside.
But I still see myself as a man, and I’m not going to forget that. I still have a lot to learn from my body. But even if I never have a functional uterus, I would still think I would want to learn more about my body and how it works through surgery.
I know that many people consider surgery for pelvic reconstructive purposes a waste of money. You can be very happy and healthy while you have the surgery. But I would just say that there is so much more to the human body than just the pelvis.
Pelvic reconstructive surgery can be pretty expensive. A lot of the costs are related to the recovery from surgery. For instance, a hysterectomy usually requires a hospital stay the week after the surgery. At that time, you have to be seen by a gynecologist who performs your follow-up checkups. Most hospitals are not equipped to do this, which can result in longer hospital stays.
Many hospitals even offer pelvic reconstructive surgery, but to be honest, I would not recommend anyone go through them. Pelvic reconstructive surgery is a very expensive medical procedure. I have heard of a lot of people who have had to pay $40,000 or more just to get a pelvic reconstruction done. Some people who had hysterectomies also had reconstructive surgery, and many had pelvic reconstructive surgery several times before getting their hysterectomies done.
Pelvic reconstructive surgery means the surgeon cuts the uterus, ovaries, and a small amount of healthy tissue inside the body and then implants the entire organ back into the body. This type of surgery doesn’t just mean getting a vaginal (vaginal) reconstruction done. It means the surgeon may also have to perform a hysterectomy (uterus removal), which is a very drastic procedure that is very risky.