I’m not sure what it is about me as a mother of teenage boys that makes me so obsessed with the idea of taking care of my son’s health. I am convinced that my obsession is the cause of his health issues and I’m sure it will help me get through periods of time with him.
My oldest son, Chris, has what is called insulin resistance. It’s a medical condition in which the pancreas can’t properly produce insulin. What’s worse, because Chris has such insulin resistance, his blood sugar level drops so drastically that he can’t even feel hungry anymore. In short, Chris is diabetic.
The medical term for insulin resistance is carbohydrate intolerance. In other words, you have carbohydrate intolerance and need to increase your carbohydrate intake to make up for it. At the moment Chris is eating a diet (which I know is not good for his health, but I can’t help that) of a low carb, high fat diet, a diet that he’s not able to keep up with if he just had insulin resistance and was always starving himself.
I mean, how does this make him feel better? Well, he says that his blood sugar has been fluctuating all morning long, and that he just cant eat anything without feeling hungry. But I think if he just had insulin resistance, he wouldnt even be able to feel hungry.
It’s a little bit like when you get your period. You just sorta… don’t feel like eating. You’re not hungry, you’re just not hungry enough to eat. And a lot of women don’t realize this.
This is the same theory that has been espoused for years now. I’ve actually heard people say that it is a common phenomenon. But I really think the way that it works in the first place is that your body thinks that it’s starving when it isnt. Your body is still trying to fight off the hunger, so it can’t get by with only a few minutes of starvation in a day.
In the book The Diet Paradox, author James C. Mattoon argued that eating certain food is actually good for you. He wrote, “It is because it is the best food that we have. It is because it is the best food that we continue to eat it. It is because it is the best food that our bodies continue to produce it.” But that doesnt stop people from not eating.
The problem is that our bodies are not designed to eat certain things, like sugar, at certain times of the day. Metformin, the diabetes medication, was not originally designed to treat diabetes. It was originally designed to treat seizures, and for that reason, it is sometimes prescribed to diabetics when they are suffering from seizures. If you have had seizures, it could be a good idea to try it. If you have not, it could be a bad idea.
So what is it? A very mild form of diabetes, and it’s been available to diabetics for a while now. It was developed because many people who suffer from epilepsy were having seizures, so it was important to have a medication that could help.
It’s basically a hormone that’s been made to be taken orally, and it is a very mild form of diabetes. It is a kind of insulin and it’s been around for quite some time. But it is now being used more and more as a more serious form of diabetes, and there are now many different types of insulin available for that purpose. Some of the more popular ones are insulin pens, insulin pumps, and insulin shots.