Love selflessly is a good thing, but we do it selfishly. When we’re done with ourselves, we just let our happiness be the result of selflessly working for ourselves.
That’s true. But sometimes we do it selfishly because we aren’t the best example of that. We’re not doing it for our family, our friends, and our community, we’re doing it for ourselves.
We take care of ourselves with our health, finances, relationships, and so on. For a lot of us though, it’s not that hard to spend time and money on ourselves, so we just choose to do it. We do it selfishly because we dont want to be selfish, so we want to make other people feel guilty, to be the bad guy. It’s a way to feel better about ourselves.
That, as far as I’m concerned, is what selfishness is. It’s a way of feeling better about ourselves that we do not want to be the bad guy. It’s all about me and my family.
We’re going to get a lot of flack for this one, but for those of us who are in the habit of being selflessly selfish, I suggest we look at this issue from a perspective that will make us a little bit better about it. Self-centered people like to look at the world with a certain amount of selfishness – selfishness in the world, selfishness in their own lives – and that is not necessarily a bad thing.
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re in the habit of being selflessly selfish. You don’t need to be selfish.
The reason self-centered people like to look at the world with a certain amount of selfishness is because theyre just like you. Theyre just like you. When youre alone they will look at the world with a certain amount of selfishness, and that is not a bad thing. Youre like you.
If youre thinking about being selfish, you might want to try an experiment. Go into a room and close your eyes. See if you can think of a time when you were unselfishly selfish. Think about something that you did that makes you happy, that makes you feel good, and that you actually wanted to do. Think about it for a minute and then open your eyes and walk around.
You might be surprised how much of this sounds familiar. It’s one of the most common reasons I hear about from people who have tried to be more selfless over the years.
The thing that I like about selflessly is the way that the experience of having someone else’s attention is taken into account. When I think about how much it has changed over my lifetime, I see it as a sort of re-imagine, though it’s not the same thing. It’s not the same thing. It’s not the same thing.