I grew up in a household where the name “Bobby” was a compliment. I got to call him Bob, as well as “Mybob”, “Bobby-Boy”, and “Bobby the Cat”. I didn’t know any of these names were offensive until I started dating my ex.
Yeah, we all grew up with nicknames, but when you grow up in a household where no one uses names, you still have to learn to use proper names. If you dont, people will start calling you something else. Like the guy in your last sentence.
It is just as possible to be called Bob, Mybob, Bobby-Boy, or Bobby-Cat as it is to be called Bobby. I think this is because people are actually more sensitive to offensive names than they are to offensive behaviors. I am not saying that everyone should always call their boyfriends Bobby.
I will not name the guy I am with so I can continue to call him Bobby. I think it is best to use a name that can be used as a nickname or a joke, and not a name that will come back to cause you a lot of trouble in the future. But this guy is being a dick. It sucks, but so does everything else in our household.
I don’t know how to tell you guys that your ex is being a dick. I’m sure he is. I can only go on the name. I call him that to be respectful and to get used to it. So I guess that goes to his head, but I think the name is good.
I would have preferred the name to be called something that was actually appropriate because it sounds cool. “Shane” is a great name for someone who has a bit of a reputation and is popular with others. But the guy is being a dick. He’s calling me a “bitch” because he thinks I’m upset over something trivial.
The one bit of good news was when the voiceover of Colt telling us that he could not remember anything about his life on Deathloop seemed to be an actual recording, rather than just someone saying it out of the blue.
Although Colt is indeed trying to be dickish, it’s not really that apparent. In fact, it’s not even his fault because Shane doesn’t know what a bitch is. They have a pretty good laugh about it, but Shane is a dick.
And so you can expect to hear a lot more about this. I hope the next Deathloop video is a bit more self-aware, but I can sure imagine the hilarity of Shane and Colt having a great argument about their favorite names.
Shane really is a dick to Colt, but he is a dick to the world. He is a dick because he is a dick. And the world will be a better place for it. At least the people of Deathloop can use the game to vent.