This worksheet was designed by myself and my two roommates to help me identify my needs and create a plan to meet those needs. It helps me prioritize my needs as well as track my progress. It’s not a perfect system, but I hope it will help you identify your needs and plan your daily life accordingly.
I was asked the following question: “What do you want to do this week?” When I answered this question, I realized that I was really trying to rank my needs. I wanted to take action on those needs and get it done. I also realized that I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do once I took a look at all the things that I wanted to do in my life that day.
This is a great question. Sometimes you have to look at needs and figure them out. Then you can plan out your day and get it done. I was recently asked this question. The very first thing I thought about was where do I want to go this week.
The answer is: anywhere you want to go. What is important is to make sure that you have a clear path to get there. In our case, we want to go to the supermarket. Next, we want to go to the movies. Then we want to go to dinner. Then we want to go somewhere fun and fabulous. You can have a lot of different goals in life. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, just a way that will actually get you there.
The most important part of this will be identifying what kind of person you want to be. For example, if you want to be a confident and fun person, you may need to identify your strengths/weaknesses. If you want to be a confident and fun person, you might have to identify what you don’t like about yourself, and then make a plan for how you can overcome that.
This is something I had to do myself. I needed to identify a personal goal and then figure out ways to work towards it. It’s not going to be easy, but the payoff is worth it. My goals that I’ve identified have led me to the best job, the best relationships, and the best relationships with my family.
Again, you are doing this the hard way, by identifying what you’re not good at, then figuring out a way to put your skills to work.
I’ve done this several times now. I always identify something that I want to work on, and then I figure out a way to get there. I do this in the name of myself because I am a good person. I always make a plan, and I always give myself the support, the time, the tools, and the time to do it.
Once you have an idea, you need to take action. Once you have an idea, you need to take action. This is especially true if you do it in the name of something, such as yourself or your family. Most of the times though, you will find that making a plan will get you farther than taking action. By taking action, you can actually accomplish more than you could by making a plan. You will find you are actually getting better at what you are doing.
Make a plan and then follow through. Make a plan and then follow through. While you may have your intentions and goals written out, once you actually start doing them, it’s hard to change them. You may have a goal in mind and you may have your actions in mind, but there is a huge difference between the two. You will not be able to make a plan if you don’t take action.