I think this is one of the reasons why you should never bottle feed your infant. Boric acid is a chemical that helps your baby to thrive and it is a proven means of preventing tooth decay.
You may be wondering why someone would use boric acid when there is a lot of scientific evidence that it works as a natural disinfectant. In fact, the University of New Mexico just found that the chemical is useful in fighting against viruses and bacteria, but it is also a good thing to have with your child to avoid potential health hazards from a mother’s milk.
Boric acid is also used in oral health. A recent study at the University of Colorado found that it can help prevent the development of tooth decay.
Boric acid is so great for tooth cleaning because it contains an abrasive agent that’s meant to clean the tooth surface. So it actually goes inside your tooth to create a protective barrier. I’ve never had an issue with tooth decay, but I do know that I don’t drink milk from my child, and that my child is more likely to get a cavity with boric acid on top of her milk.
Boric acid is typically used in oral hygiene products and cosmetics, and can be found in numerous products. I’ve always been a fan of the stuff, because it kills bacteria, and makes your teeth stay cleaner. It seems like it might be a good choice for a new parent too.
Ive never tried it myself, but when I was searching for something to make my baby’s mouth cleaner I came across this article. I think it’s a pretty safe option for new parents to try.
I personally think I had one of my teeth knocked out once, and I used a toothbrush to clean it out. Maybe if I’d eaten a bunch of foods with boric acid, I wouldn’t have had to pull out my own tooth to get it out. It is very rare to get a cavity from boric acid, so if it works for you I dont think it should be a problem.
And if it doesn’t work, I think its probably because the boric acid dissolved in your mouth and was absorbed into your bloodstream.
This is a common method for women to get rid of tooth decay; the acid then dissolves the bacteria and soothes the gums, but it is still no guarantee that the acid will work. There have been some cases where a woman has had to resort to taking antibiotics, but there are other cases where the tooth is apparently fine.
I don’t think it should apply to you, but I also don’t think anyone would be surprised to hear that it happens. Boric acid is an acidic substance that can dissolve into the bloodstream as it reaches your mouth. If it is absorbed into your system, and you swallow it, it can cause severe stomach upset or nausea. I think this is why you might be having trouble.