this is a very complex topic that has garnered a lot of research, not only from the medical community, but from scientists in psychology, neuroscience, and a number of other fields. To begin, we need to understand a little bit about osteoporosis, and what it is, and how it affects the brain.
Because osteoporosis is so widespread, it is probably best to start with the basics of it. It is a disease of the skeleton, and can be caused by a number of things including genetics, injury, certain medications, and many other environmental factors. It is a very common disease, and is on the rise. It has been estimated that osteoporosis would affect roughly 2.2 million people in the United States by 2050.
So, osteoporosis is the deterioration of bone tissue, and occurs when the bone breaks down and weakens. It is the most common cause of low bone density, and is also the most common cause of vertebral fractures. The most common way to treat osteoporosis is through medication. If your doctor would like to prescribe you a drug called bisphosphonates, you can take it for a fairly short period of time.
This is one of those things that could turn potentially useful information into a bad thing. While bisphosphonates can help with osteoporosis, they can also cause a whole lot of side effects. If you take too much of them you may develop an anaphylactic response, which is the sudden onset of an allergic reaction in which your body may react to the medication. This can include nausea, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.
Another big problem with bisphosphonates is that they may also cause a condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw, or ONJ. This is a rare condition, but it can occur in people taking bisphosphonates. Once you develop the ONJ, you may have to begin taking antibiotics because any bacteria that are normally in your mouth (or in any of your body cavities) may have died off.
If you’re taking bisphosphonates, be sure to ask your doctor if you’re at higher risk for ONJ, which is what the ONJ side effects are most commonly.
ONJ is a rare bone disease that causes the jawbone to collapse, which can lead to bone infection, brain damage, and death. People who develop ONJ usually go on to have more serious conditions like bone cancer. Bisphosphonates are often used to treat osteoporosis, which is a problem of the bones. Bisphosphonates are used to prevent bone fractures. They’re also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints.
Because osteoporosis can be fatal, we need to understand how it is affected by your bones. We’ll start with the most common bone disease of the body, osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become “dry.” These bones become weaker and less able to absorb the forces of your body. This causes the bones to not fuse properly and is a leading cause of hip fractures. There are over 70,000 hip fractures in the US annually.
In addition to being more fragile, bones that are unable to absorb the energy of your body are also more likely to break. This is why osteoporosis is a leading cause of hip fractures. Our bodies are designed to absorb much more than our bones. If they do not, they will break.