
What Would the World Look Like Without does miss have a period?

Some people don’t have a period. These folks are sometimes called “men.” Some are called “women.” Some might be called “androgynes.” These are terms I’ll leave to the philosophers.

Miss probably has a period but I dont know if its because she has a period or because she is a girl. I mean, I know that there are a lot of male period types, but that doesnt mean she is one. I think she might be having a period, but it might just be the result of her being a girl in some way.

I’m not entirely sure what it is that female period types do other than have periods. I have a friend that is a female period type. I cant remember the exact reason. I just know that she is a lot more active than I am and is constantly making herself a meal and a drink. I know that girls who are period types are usually pretty active and generally like to get out and about.

I would not go so far as to say that a female period type is always active. In fact, I would put that as a very, very rare trait. I just know it’s the case for my friend.

A female period type is the same as a female menstrual type in that she is active and has periods. However, she also has periods and is usually a lot less active than a menstruating female.

I have a friend who has a period and she has periods, and she is also the same as a period menstruating female. In fact, I’ve even heard it said that the only female period type is, well, a period menstruating woman.

I can understand the appeal of periods. I have friends who have them, and I’ve even heard that they’re considered “special,” like a gift, or something. They’re a little more magical and beautiful than a regular period, but they’re still regular periods. That’s why I’d prefer to see more female period type characters, but I suppose we can’t all be that lucky.

It seems like we can all agree that Ive heard of a period menstruating female as one of the two periods the female is normally subjected to, the other being the period menstruating male. And if that is the case, we can also agree that we would all have been subjected to the one male period, which would be the period menstruating female.

Well, I guess if youre being a bit sexist, then you could ask me to stop writing about period types and menstruation. I never claimed to be a feminist, though I admit I do think that women should have their periods as long as they feel it’s necessary. It also seems to me that Ive probably missed out on a good deal of the discussion of menstrual cycles, because Ive been so busy on this blog.

Ive been studying periods since I was in high school. I was really surprised to learn that most menstruating women do not have periods, and I can’t imagine how they would feel if they did have them. They also probably wouldn’t be as happy about it if they did, because the period is what’s really important. Without the period, they might think more about sex, which might seem like a good thing, but it would be a bad thing.

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