I have known a number of women who take birth control pills, and when they start to itch or burn, their doctor calls and tells them it’s probably a reaction to their birth control, and then they find that the itching and burning isn’t just in the genital area but in the arms, legs, and back as well.
I find this especially interesting because so many women who take pills to control their periods are on antidepressants, which can cause a whole host of other problems, but also, the same drugs can cause the same allergic reactions in women who have taken other types of birth control pills. It could be that the way itchy birth control pills act is different from the way the body reacts to the medication in the pill.
It’s possible that the pills themselves can cause the reactions, but the way they act on the body is similar enough that people are reacting the way they are so it could just be the way the pill is taken. The pills have a similar chemical formula to birth control pills, so they work by preventing ovulation. I have this theory that women are taking the pills because they want a period, but are allergic to the pill so they are reacting as if they are allergic to the pills themselves.
There is an episode of Arrested Development where the main character is allergic to everything and his mother finds his pill and takes it, but in the episode the doctor is working on making him allergic to the pill. Of course, this means he can’t take the pill properly and dies.
I think this issue may be a little more wide-spread than that, but I think it exists because we are allergic to both the pill and the sperm. In the case of sperm, it is because the sperm is an actual substance that comes from the man and it is not subject to the same regulations as the pill.
So, you can have sex, but if you are allergic to the sperm, you cant take it. And as for the pill, you can take it, but if you are allergic to the pill its not gonna work right? I mean, this is so frustrating.
It is possible that there is a genetic tendency to be allergic to semen, or perhaps just to sperm, but it is more likely that the reason for this is because of the sperm being a little harder to penetrate the uterus. This is something that has been known for some time, and it is why we take precautions during intercourse. The male sperm is smaller and less dense than the female sperm, so it is easier to get in to the vagina.
This is a popular misconception among the “pink slime” industry, but I have to say I find the idea hard to believe. I mean, it’s not like the sperm is not being absorbed into the uterus. It’s just not a very good way to get things from one vagina to another.
The only way it could be that way is if the vagina is not being penetrated. As for the idea that the female partner is being “pumped” from the male partner, that’s another myth. There are many ways to get sperm into the vagina (including, but not limited to, using condoms), and I have not experienced any burning, itching, or pain when I’ve been vaginally penetrated.
There are many people who believe that birth control can cause itching and burning. This is not a myth. It happens in a couple of cases I know but it’s no big deal. In fact, I have seen a lot of people who were convinced that they got their period because they had been raped, or because they had been molested, or because they were in a coma after having an abortion, or they had been exposed to toxic chemicals.