This can be a scary, scary thing but it is well worth it. Back pain after disc replacement, especially if it stems from the same area that is hurting, is the most frustrating thing about a degenerative disc condition.
The way things stand right now, we don’t have a lot of options for how to treat it. Currently, a few therapies are available, but one of the most effective is the anti-depressant drug, Tofranil. One of the main side effects of Tofranil is weakness, which could be what’s happening to Colt Vahn in the trailer. A side effect of Tofranil is that it also makes you tired.
The thing about Tofranil is that its only available for a couple of months. In other words, at most, your body can take it for the first couple of weeks, but after that it is not a good idea to take it unless you are on an extremely high dose. Tofranil lasts about four weeks, so before long, your body will have had enough.
If you start to get tired and weak, then you should see a doctor, who can prescribe Tofranil.
If you’re still having pain, then you should see a dentist immediately because your mouth is not normal. A dentist can give you painkillers to help with the pain.
It seems like there are about half a million different forms of painkillers on the market. If you are having pain, then you should seek immediate attention. Don’t think you are alone. In a recent blog post, one of our readers said “I had to go to the emergency room. I had ‘pain’ for over a week. I had to have an x-ray. I had to have a CT. I had an emergency appendectomy.
I had dental pain after I had a root canal. I had a crown on the top of my tooth, and the dentist told me I had to have it removed. The x-rays showed that the crown was just a thin layer of bone, and I was told that I might not be able to get the crown or the tooth. I had to have a root canal. I had to have an extraction.
This is the same sort of pain that I had from a car accident when I was a kid. The doctor had to drill a hole in my skull to remove a piece of shrapnel that was lodged in my brain. I had to go through the same drill to loosen the shrapnel.
It’s so frustrating to know that it’s something that you can’t just go to a dentist for. If you’re not sure what you’re dealing with, then you have to get it checked out. In this case, the dentist told me that the pain I was in was not from the surgery itself, but from the fact that I had a tooth that needed to be extracted.
The pain you’re feeling might be nerve-related. When it hurts, your nerve fibers are being stretched, and that’s why you feel it. There are some nerve fibers that have a tendency to get “stiff,” and this is what causes the pain. If your nerve fibers are getting stiff, your body is not allowing them to relax enough.