When the baby turtles were newly painted at the nursery, they would spend their whole first day and a half in their new homes. The first time I saw them, I didn’t know what to think. They were really cute, but as soon as I saw the turtles with their paint on, I knew I had to buy them a house.
I knew once I got them a house, I was going to do everything I could to make sure they were happy. I wanted them to be as happy as they could be, so I decided to paint them all my favorite colors, and have them spend a month at my place. One turtle that was too scared to paint her first day in her new home decided to paint over her favorite color and use her favorite color for her first days stay.
You know what? I think you need to go out and buy some turtles. I think it’s really cool that you’re trying to paint them with your favorite colors, and I think you should buy some turtles too, to make your new paint scheme as awesome as possible.
Not to mention my other favorite color, green, just because I think it looks really good on turtles.
I think it looks really cool.
Well, good for you. I think you should keep going. I think they should learn how to paint turtles with their favorite colors (and then, if they like them, they can paint their turtle selves with that same favorite color).
Well, of course.
While it might seem like a fun idea, I feel like it could make turtles’ paint care a bit more difficult. That’s because paint is a very aggressive ingredient, and it’s usually done by a lot of harsh chemicals. Adding an even a little bit of paint to a turtle’s body could make it grow a little more vulnerable to attack if that’s what they want. Plus, most turtles just don’t seem to like being painted with a lot of paint.
While it is really cool to think that our little babies can paint themselves in a different color of paint, think about it for a second. You can paint your turtle with any color you like, but if you paint her with black, it will just get a little bit darker. That’s not very nice.
But you can easily fix that by just painting her black. You can also paint her with a different color every few weeks, so you can make her really unique. But I am not just talking about getting new colors. I am talking about painting them with the same colors over and over again.