I’m a caretaker of a couple of hundred goats, so I’m very aware of all the animals around me. I’ve also been known to notice that there are some people around me who are very focused on not getting killed. I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing or not. I just know that I do not like to get killed.
It’s hard to get around, but you can’t get past the goat. A goat! In the video, it’s implied that a goat is a one-man crime wave. In real life, a goat is actually a very good defense against predators. They have a very big, flat face that makes it very difficult for a cat to get past.
I think I’ve probably given you some ideas about what makes people who are a little bit weird tick; however the idea of an amnesiac doesn’t really have a concrete meaning in the story, unless you really think about it in terms of the human mind. So the amnesiac in the video might just be a guy who’s been on Deathloop for quite a while. But that doesn’t really fit with the rest of the video.
When I watched the video, I was a little surprised when the amnesiac kept talking about his past. I guess I expected him to be more of a badass than he is. Although it would be really cool to see this character develop into something more than just a big, flat face.
The amnesiac is the guy who tells Colt that he was once a famous Hollywood actor. Not the guy who tells him that he was once a famous Hollywood actor. What he was before is pretty much like the story. He was just someone who had a lot of fun and had a lot of memories. And that is why he is now a caretaker of this island.
The amnesiac character who tells Colt about his past is the caretaker. The caretaker knows that Colt is the one who has to do the killing. And he is doing this for Colt’s sake. If he had no memories, he would definitely be the villain of the piece here. The amnesiac character is a villain because he wants to be the villain. And he is a villain because he is so awesome.
Caretaker is apparently a synonym for care-taker.
The caretaker is a character from the games, and the care-taker is a character from the games and the amnesiac character is a character from the games.
We have to remind ourselves that just because someone is a villain is not necessarily a bad thing. Just because a villain is a villain does not mean that he is an evil character. As in, “oh, he’s such a jerk!” Bad things happen when people are just human beings and have real feelings. But evil characters are bad because they are not human beings. That’s the way I feel about Colts, the caretaker, and the amnesiac characters.
A villain is a character that is evil to the point that they can’t be trusted. If they had the power to do evil to me, I would never do to them what they do to other people, they would just be bad. As in, I wouldn’t trust them.