I have been following the petrol price situation since I was a teenager, and have become a petrol prices fan since then. I have been a petrol prices fan for over 30 years, and I can assure you that the rise in petrol prices has not come as a surprise to anyone.
The rise in petrol prices in the UK during the late 80s and mid 90s has been well known. At the time it was the first time petrol prices had been rising in such a long-term pattern. Now the increase has been slow, but has been steadily increasing. I have an easy way to keep an eye on petrol prices just by watching the price on petrol stations.
You can tell when an increase in petrol prices is happening by using the price on petrol stations to measure the rise in petrol prices. When the price on petrol stations starts to rise in a long-term pattern, a person has a pretty good idea that the rise in petrol prices is likely to continue. I think one of the reasons the rise in petrol prices is so slow is that the increase has been slow for a reason. The reason is that the supply of petrol in the UK has been decreasing.
In a nutshell, the reason for the slow gasoline price increase in the UK is because the UK has a very small amount of petrol in the ground. In part that is because there’s a very small amount of the UK’s population that owns cars. In part that is because the increase in petrol prices has been slow because the increase has not been as large as it was at the beginning of the recession.
In other news, the British Petroleum report for the week ending April 25th is a little disappointing. They said that they expect the average UK price of petrol in April to be the lowest it has ever been in the UK. Well that’s great but when they say “in April”, it is in April. And April has about a two month long tradition of the lowest weekly price of petrol in the UK.
This is the result of a small rise in the price of diesel in the UK in April. Because petrol is cheaper this year, the average price of gas has also fallen. This is the third time in two weeks the average price of gas has dropped. The first time was at the beginning of the recession a month ago, and then it was at the end of last year.
The official fuel price report from the UK government reveals that the UK petrol price is now £0.73 for a litre of unleaded, in line with the government’s target of £0.72. To put that into perspective, there is currently a price difference of 10% between the cheapest petrol in the UK and the cheapest petrol in Australia. That’s because the UK is the only country in the world that has a petrol tax, and the tax is levied on all vehicles.
In Australia, the petrol tax is only levied on the cheapest petrol, so that would mean the cheapest petrol is about $4.50 in the UK, so £3.50 in Australia.
We’re still a long way from having a global petrol tax, but we’re getting there. The governments plan to introduce petrol taxes is a good start, but it’ll take a few more countries to get there. I’m not sure if that means we’ll see a petrol price drop like we did with inflation, but I thought we’d be doing better than that.
The main issue here is the amount of money that will be spent on petrol in the future. While this is not new, it is still a tough sell for petrol prices. The Australian government are still counting on the government to make any changes to the tax system.