When we are irritable, it is not only because we are stressed and tired. It is because we are thinking about something we want to get rid of and we are too excited about it. This is why we call this type of stress ‘irritation’.
We can’t simply say: “I’m bored,” because when we are bored it is because we are thinking about something we want to get rid of that we are excited about. We need to be able to tell when we are bored because when we are bored it is because we are thinking about something we want to get rid of.
The most common type of irritation is called boredom and it is a psychological state in which we are not motivated to do anything because our minds are occupied with something that doesn’t interest us. A better definition would be that we are bored because something that we are excited about has happened and it is something we don’t care about but we are going to get rid of it because it is not something we really want to do.
We can definitely relate to this. Our minds are pretty much always filled with thoughts like “I don’t have time for this” or “I’m going to get a job” and then we get to work on something else. But most of the time, we don’t even notice the boredom. We probably don’t even realize that we’re bored until someone shows up and says, “Hey, you can’t come in because you are really bored.
If you have periods where you don’t care about anything, then you probably have a lot of irritations. This is what happens when you are stressed. Even if you are fine, you are still stressed. For example, if you are really good on your computer, but you get stressed when you have to go to the bathroom, or you have to do something that you arent good at, then you will get irritations.
This is why I thought that the new trailer of Inception was annoying. It just made me want to call my friends and ask them what they thought of it. But since I am not friends with my friends then I guess I should be really irritated when they ask me.
I hate that trailer because I never want to do something that annoys me. I am always too stressed to do anything and I hate it. I don’t even know what I should be doing right now. On the other hand, if I am really stressed I can get irritations. When my stress is so high and I am so stressed I can’t even think straight. I guess that is kind of a good thing.
I think that what we dislike so much about this trailer is that it is so much like a normal day for you, a normal day in your life. You are like you are always stressed, and you just want to sit in your room and read a book or play a game or watch Netflix. Yet all of your normal routines are disrupted, and you don’t have a normal day. You are in constant irritation.
It’s no surprise that stress causes irritation. We humans tend to be irritable and we like to control our stress. We like to control our stress because we like the idea of being controlled. But that’s not how life works. In fact, humans can’t even control themselves. We have to be constantly in control of our lives. And stress is the only thing that can cause us to be more irritable.
The solution would be to figure out how to relax yourself, but I’m afraid that’s far from a solution. The solution is to accept that sometimes you will be irritable and use that to your advantage. Relaxation is a strategy.