This may not be a common question for your local Chiropractor, but it is one a lot of us will be asked about. Sciatica is a nerve disorder that causes nerve pain and numbness in the leg or buttocks. It’s a fairly common condition that affects millions of Americans and is often caused by the sudden onset of repetitive motion. This pain can be so intense it causes you to miss work.
Sciatica is often diagnosed by doctors who look at the pain you experience when you lift your leg. In fact, most doctors will tell you that if you are experiencing pain on one side of your leg, the only way to figure out what’s going on is by looking at the pain you experience on the opposite side of your leg. The problem with that is that this doesn’t work as well for people with Sciatica.
One of the first things you should ask your doctor when you go in for a physical is whether or not you already have Sciatica. This is especially important if you are experiencing pain on one side of your leg when you lift your leg. If you have Sciatica, it can cause severe pain and, sometimes, the inability to sleep. Because Sciatica is so painful, it is very important to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Sciatica is caused by a group of nerves called the lumbar multifidus. While Sciatica is painful, it is completely reversible and may require medication to stop it in its tracks. If you have Sciatica, make sure you see a doctor and get treatment as soon as possible. The good news is that once you have Sciatica, it will have no effect on your sleep.
Sciatica is a condition in which pain or numbness extends into one or more of the following locations: back, buttocks, lower extremities, and the head. Sciatica is characterized by a tight, sudden pain that radiates into both the buttocks and lower extremities, usually accompanied by numbness in one or more of these locations. The pain is usually worse when the person is lying down. Sciatica may cause the pain to worsen with physical activity.
Sciatica, while commonly considered a “female problem,” is actually more common among men than women. It occurs more often in the aging middle-aged as well as the elderly, and it can result in back or leg pain, numbness, weakness, and possible paralysis.
I remember reading an article once that stated that men are 10 times more likely to develop sciatica than women. I think that is true, but I don’t know if that is really the case. I think it could be that men have more nerve endings and they are more sensitive to pain, but then again, I don’t know. I haven’t had sciatica in a long time.
This is not to say that sciatica is a common problem. Although it is more common in older women than in men, it’s still fairly common in the young to middle age.
I remember when I went to the doctor complaining of a headache. He told me that I had a mild sciatica. I had a small disc hernia, which is why my head hurt. It also told me that I had an enlarged prostate. I was in my mid-30s at the time. I remember looking into his eyes and thinking that he was going to tell me to take off my pants and run around the block naked.
We’ve all seen it. The pain in the back of your leg will make you want to throw up. This is called sciatica. Sciatica is really a pain in the butt (pun intended). It is a neurological disorder that affects nerve pain in the buttocks and lower back. The causes are often unknown and can be related to a number of things, including a herniated disk.