i don’t care in french is a song by the band The Black Keys. There’s a video for it on YouTube where one person says “i don’t care in french.” And another says “i don’t care in fran”. It’s a good song, so they make an awesome video.
i dont care in french is a song by the band The Black Keys. Theres a video for it on YouTube where one person says i dont care in french. And another says i dont care in fran. Its a good song, so they make an awesome video.
And the video shows one person saying i don’t care in french and another saying i don’t care in fran. The song is really catchy and catchy lyrics (and you can’t say that about a lot of music) make it sound as if they’re saying the same thing and just singing at different times.
It reminds me a bit of a movie called “I Don’t Care in French” that comes up a lot. Or maybe it is the same movie, i dont care in french.
I’m not a fan of French, or anything in French, or i dont care in french. Its just that the lyrics are so catchy, it sounds like they’re singing about how they dont care, which in my mind, is the exact opposite of what they’re saying. It’s like they’re saying they don’t care, but actually they do.
That is, in a way, exactly what theyre saying. Theyre saying they dont care, but we all do.
I’ve always wondered if any other languages do such an awesome job of writing dialogue. I mean, i can’t speak anything other than english, but i’ve never seen a movie in another language where the actors are so good at conveying emotion, such as in the movie i mentioned above. In that movie, i mean. Like in the movie i described above.
Ive never seen a movie in a language that could have been so good at conveying emotion as in the French movie. In fact, French movies almost always have a great story but are often so good at conveying emotion, they just make it all seem so natural and naturalistic. Even the best movies in other languages just have the right amount of sentimentality.
French movies are almost always about a specific character, and that character is almost always the guy who has the most emotion in the movie. That’s the way every movie in French works. I think that’s how it always has been.
I think it’s because French movies are so good at conveying emotion, it always makes you think its real. Its just not a hard thing to do. I mean, I can’t think of a movie in any other language where I’ve had the feeling that it had more emotion in it than the movie. I know that’s really weird, but it’s still true.