“Careen” is probably not a word that you’ll see on your first two reading of “The Three Levels of Self-Awareness.” I’ve looked it up but can’t find it on the internet. It’s an old English word that means “to go slowly” or “to take a long time” or in the form of “to wait or to wait for a result.
Careen is what happens when you have a car that stalls at the gas station, or when your car stalls at your house. In the case of stalling, something in your engine is holding it up, causing the car to stall. In the case of stalled cars in your house, your house is the source of the stalled engine.
A stalling car is just a car that stalls at the gas station, so its not like the car is a person that is in the car that stalls. The car is just slowing down. It does not need to be in a state of stalling to cause you to go slowly. The word careen has no definition in the dictionary. The word is actually from a Greek word that means “to take a long time,” and so careen has been lost through the ages.
The first definition of careen that I found in a dictionary was this one: “to take a long time”. It means “to take a long time” and that is not what we are doing here. It is the same thing as “to take a long time”. We are taking a long time, and it is a slow process. We are taking a long time, and we are taking a long time.
Careening is a slow process. We see it in the movies when a character is slowly getting sick at the beginning of a movie. Or in the old TV show, when a character is slowly getting sick while dealing with their problems. The process is slow and gradual. It doesn’t have a beginning and an end. It is never really the same thing twice. We are taking a long time, and it is a slow process.
Not really. I think we are taking a long time to get ourselves off of Deathloop, and it is a slow process. We see it in the movies when a character is slowly getting sick at the beginning of a movie. Or in the old TV show, when a character is slowly getting sick while dealing with their problems. The process is slow and gradual. It doesnt have a beginning and an end. It is never really the same thing twice.
In this case it is the slow, gradual death of one of our party-goers that has us concerned. We have an idea of what this character is going through, and that is a slow process. We know he is sick, but we do not know if he is going to die soon, or if he will die a slow and painful death.
Yes, the party-goers are all dying one by one. And the slow, slow death is taking away the party-goers powers that they thought they had. It is not just the slow, slow death, but also the slow, slow disappearance of the party-goers powers. In this case, it is that the party-goers are slowly losing their memory, and the slow, slow death is that they are slowly losing their memory. So we careen to their deaths.
If you read the story trailer, you can see the party-goers slowly getting weaker and weaker, but they still have the same powers as the party-goers had before. And, as we saw in the game trailer, we can also see that the party-goers don’t seem like they understand what they are doing at all.
I get the feeling that the party-goers’ powers are just a way to make their life more miserable for those around them. I mean, they could have done it all without a power, but they don’t seem to understand the idea of a life’s work being something they can do as leisurely as possible. And so they end up doing it over again.