I’ve been writing for the past decade under multiple pen names.
It seems very likely that as soon as I started self publishing I would use my real pen name. I still don’t know why. I don’t like to use my real name for most of my work because it feels phony and invasive to me. At least, that’s what I tell myself. But I guess it’s because it’s the name that’s been attached to my work for so long.
I’ve never used a pen name in my life. I’ve always written under a pen name. But I don’t think it’s something that’s done by accident. And if I’m going to be writing under a pen name, I can’t tell you what it’s going to be about.
This is why I dont like to use pen names for my work. I have a tendency to use them without knowing why. I have a tendency to use them when I feel they could be interpreted as a sign of how personal my work really is. I want to be able to use a pen name in a work that I feel is personal and not too hard on my writerly identity.
I think that the reason you don’t like to use pen names in your writing is because if your writing is supposed to be personal and not about business, you won’t want that to be interpreted as your work is personal, but if your writing is supposed to be business-like you will want to have that to be interpreted as your work is business.
This is a problem that I have had a hard time grasping. Maybe it’s because I have a hard time accepting that my writing is personal.
The problem with pen names is that they are often difficult to remember. So if you dont want your work to be interpreted as your work is personal, you will have to get creative with your naming.
What is the solution to this problem? If we are dealing with something personal, we need to find ways to make our writing more “business-like.” The problem is that when we are self publishing, the only way to do this is by taking a name that we can use again and again. So to be honest, I think that this is another way to kill the creativity.
This is a good example of how this is all too common. If your name is used in a business context, you will see a sudden surge in business enquiries. But again, the same problems will arise. People will feel pressured to use your name, or they will ask you to sign a contract. This is because the general trend when people use your name in this manner is to get the work finished and get paid for it.
This is another very common issue. And I would not be surprised if this trend continues. But more importantly, in today’s economy, this is not an ideal way to earn a living. Your name is so generic that it becomes almost meaningless to you. The same with your business name. So you would think that it is time for you to change your name to something more meaningful.