Yes you can! If you’re a person who loves being active, shingles can be the most effective exercise for you. Although shingles can be extremely frustrating, they are often the easiest and fastest way to improve your overall health.
If youve never considered the benefits of shingles, it doesn’t matter. You just need to get it under your belt. And if youre a big ole guy like me, then you already know that you can get it with just a few minutes of stretching and some light jogging. For the average Joe, though, it’s not so simple.
You simply need to get the right kind of blood flow. In fact, you need to build up a large amount of energy, or your body will be too low to do the shingles. To do this, you need to do some type of sweat or blood-letting exercise. The most common are jogging, running, or swimming. Also, you shouldnt walk on the beach in shingles because you will just get a really nasty rash.
When your blood gets too low, you might notice a slight change in your skin tone. This happens because the body is unable to hold the blood it contains, and the blood pressure drops. This is why the first person to walk on tiptoes might find he can’t see over the foot.
The most common signs of shingles are a rash, red spots, and a red tongue. The rash is usually a small red bump over the skin but can also occur up to a centimeter deep, which is why you wont see it unless you sweat too much. The spots are usually small and hard to see, but they do occur. The red tongue is red but can be pink or yellow. Some people have a purple tongue.
If you are not careful you can find yourself with a shingles rash, a yellow tongue, or both. The red rash means that you have shingles, a yellow tongue means that you have a red tongue, or a purple tongue means that you have a red tongue and a rash.
Shingles can be a painful, embarrassing experience, but that’s not a reason to stop exercising. Don’t let the rash discourage you. If you do stop exercising for a few weeks, you will find that it becomes less painful and easier to handle.
You can get shingles from a variety of sources, including getting caught in the shower, sitting in a car, and getting a sunburn. The most common cause is getting your shingles from the sun, but if you get the rash from a shower, sit in the car, or get your shingles from the sun, then the good news is you don’t have to deal with it for the rest of your life.
The good news is that all you have to do to avoid getting shingles is to avoid the sun, be aware of the rash, and/or get rid of your shingles from the sun. We have found that if you are aware of your rash and avoid the sun, the rash rarely occurs. So all you have to do is avoid getting the rash.