Yes, you can get a wart on your tongue. But you have to have a wart on your tongue in order to get it. There is no way you can cure an infection without having the first bite of food that gives you the initial infection.
Why are you asking? Well, the reason is because you can get a wart on your tongue even if you don’t have a wart. I think it’s because in the case of the wart on your tongue you can get it without ever having eaten a grape or eaten a steak.
In an alternate universe, the wart on your tongue would be the initial infection. In that universe, you would get the wart, eat the whole thing, and then you would be fine.
But, in our universe everything is different. While an initial infection might be possible, you would have to have first been infected. To have an initial infection you would have to have been infected and then eaten the second time.
This is a good one to play with if you’re like me and you get really anxious when you hear the word “wartum.” I’m sure it’s not what you think. It’s just a small wart, like a boil, and it’s on your tongue. It’s a wart that’s on your tongue and you can get rid of it by licking it off.
The wart on your tongue is one of those things that I’ve seen more than once that really gets you thinking. The wart is something you can make yourself, but it’s not something you can put right. It has some kind of magical power, but there are many different ways to get rid of it. One way is to use a product called “Wart Removal Gum.
Wart Removal Gum is a natural product that’s supposed to help you get rid of wart-like things. For example, a wart that’s on your tongue can be removed by applying a little bit of the product to the wart, and then lancing it with a toothpick or something similar. But there are other products out there that can also work like Wart Removal Gum.
While the product may be natural, the idea of using it in this way is really weird. I mean, you’d think you could go to the dentist and get some kind of wart removal stuff, and that would be a better way to get rid of the thing. But this is a case where one of the best ways to get rid of something is to put it in a product that can do it directly.
Yep, that does seem like a weird way to get rid of a wart. But the best part of it is that there are people out there using it, and they’re not just in your shoes. There is an entire YouTube community of people who use the product, most of them having the same idea as me.
The wart is actually made of a polymer called polydopamine (the “d” stands for dopamine). If you have the product in your mouth, it will stick to the wart. And there are some products out there that will cause the wart to stick to the rest of your mouth, but not the wart itself.