Opposite of detailed is when you’re not thorough.
What was once a fine art piece of detail has now become a tool for marketing campaigns.
For example, if you’re in the lead-up to an upcoming event, you might be in a position to use your camera to take out the glasses and make sure they’re not falling off. The lenses, however, are just a little bit more fragile to take out, and so they aren’t really a good idea. That said, your eyes don’t really shine for your shots.
Thats exactly why I like to use the opposite of detailed when I need to tell a story. I use it when I write about an event that happens in an isolated area. I don’t need to know every detail of the place, just the barest of what is there.
I dont know. I think the best use for the opposite of detailed would be something like a trip to the dentist. I know I wont get a clear picture of the teeth I need to see, but I do know the general shape of them. A detailed shot would be a bit of a pain, and I would feel like I was looking through a magnifying glass.
I know what you mean. I dont need a detailed shot of the teeth, I just need a clear shot of something.
If the game is about a trip to the dentist, then the teeth are the clear shot. If it’s about the dentist, then you need to know the shape of the teeth.
I see. As for me, I’m not into the whole dentist/teeth thing. I’ve only ever had a few of the actual teeth, and they’re all pretty damn good. But other than that, I don’t think I’m into too much detail.
A lot of times, games are built with a certain amount of detail so that you can have a good experience but feel like youre missing something. But when you know what the game is about, you can have a more relaxed experience. In Deathloop, we’re not just building a game, we’re building a new game. It’s not about building a complicated game, it’s about building a new game with a new story to tell.
Deathloop is a game that will be a challenge. The gameplay is pretty straightforward for a new game, but it will definitely be a challenge. The main character is an amnesiac thief who is trapped within a time loop. But being trapped within a time loop is not exactly a fun way to spend an afternoon. The game is still being built, its just that its being built in a new way.