This is the first article on my women heart attack series. It is a collection of stories about women who…
caresses means a lot of things to a lot of people, but to me, it means having a very strong…
This is our ‘deadwood to mount’ project. We began with a few planks of wood that we wanted to mount…
I am a big fan of browns and brown-ness, the colors that bring our eyes to life. This is also…
It is the most difficult decision, but it is one to leave up to the person you love. It is…
You know that feeling when you’re planning to have your kid? You get butterflies and can’t wait to be home,…
It is a metabolic disorder in that the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, thus causing low levels…
This is a classic castle that’s been built for a particular purpose. The castle is basically a castle, and is…
As an experiment, I made this post about yoga pants and self-warestm’s. I’m not saying you need to wear yoga…
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